HAL is Microsoft’s abbreviation for the Hardware Abstraction Layer, the technology and drivers that let the Windows NT, 2000, and XP operating systems communicate with your PC’s hardware. HAL is one of several features along with the Network file system (NTFS) that replaced the much less secure MS-DOS that make NT-based operating systems more secure and reliable than Windows 95, 98, and Me.

HAL prevents applications from directly accessing your PC’s system memory, CPU, or hardware devices (such as video and sound cards) a method that can prevent many device conflicts and crashes. Unfortunately, HAL sometimes also slows or stops DOS games and programs, which need to load their own memory managers or control hardware dire

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ctly for better performance.

Step 01: Insert Windows Service Pack Disk inside the CD/DVD-ROM drive.

Step 02: This procedure varies depending on the model of your computer. Check BIOS by tapping F1, F2, F12 or Del & Change First boot device to CD/DVD-ROM drive.

Step 03: Press any key to Continue for Windows Setup

Step 04: To repair a Windows installation using Recovery Console Press R, in my case Windows Xp

Step 05: Select the Corrupted windows partition of your machine, in my case it’s 1: C:\WINDOWS so, type 1 & Hit enter, than type Administrator account password.

Step 06: a) Change the Current Working directory as SYSTEM32, b) To know the CD/DVD-ROM drive letter, use map Command

Step 07: In Windows Service Pack disk the hal.dll file is located at i386 folder, In the name of hal.dl_. So you need to expand the hal.dl_ file into system32 directory in your machine. Type the following command shown in the figure and exit. After the command successfully completed exit from recovery console. Don’t forget to change your boot device priority.